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We celebrate our entrepreneurs!

We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd! 

Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.

starta eget i arvidsjaur.jpeg
Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Young entrepreneurs

In Arvidsjaur municipality, we encourage young people in entrepreneurship and this can be seen in our acclaimed youth companies within both UF (Young Entrepreneurship) and Ung Drive. 

We celebrate our entrepreneurs!

We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd! 

Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.


We celebrate our entrepreneurs!

We see that the opportunities in a small municipality like Arvidsjaur are many more than in larger towns. Here is the space to test, develop and innovate, the competition is less than in the cities and everyone can influence and put their unique imprint in a place that is growing. Here you do not just become one in the crowd! 

Every year, the Arvidsjaur Gala is organized, where we hand out prizes to and show appreciation for entrepreneurs who lift the municipality in some way.


We celebrate our entrepreneurs!

Du är legitimerad arbetsterapeut.


Det är en fördel om du har tidigare erfarenhet inom yrket men det är inget krav.

Du har driv och förmåga att utveckla verksamheten i samarbete med kollegor/chef.

Du är ansvarstagande och trygg med att strukturera upp och planera ditt eget arbete samt att fatta egna beslut inom ramen för ditt uppdrag.

Du stimuleras av en varierande vardag, är flexibel och kan anpassa dig efter vad situation kräver på ett lugnt och metodiskt sätt.

För att trivas hos oss är det viktigt att du tycker om att samarbeta och ser värdet av gott teamarbete.

Arvidsjaur centrum foto Kent Norberg 200928.jpeg

Vi vill ha dig!

Om du känner att rollen som arbetsterapeut skulle passa dig vill vi gärna höra från dig! Vi ser fram emot din ansökan.

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